A Little Clarity, A Little Sanity




Written by Wislande Francisque

Everyone wished they knew the consequences to their action before they made them. You can only hope for the best. Before judging, reprimanding, shaming someone for aborting a baby let’s examine the situation. As much as we want this world to be judgement free, realistically it isn’t. Therefore, let’s realistically analyze the possible scenarios without bypassing any details. One possible and mostly spoken about is rape. If a child is a product of rape, the mother may not want the relive that moment for the rest of her life. However both party’s are victims, some may wonder is eliminating one victim the solution to a better life for the other victim; perhaps, perhaps not. Another scenario may be that the mother is young or feels unfortunate and feels as though they won’t sufficiently provide for their child as they would’ve wanted to.

The question that most would ask is why even have sex, knowing that there is a possibility that a child would eventually come in the picture? There is no answer to this question. Its almost rhetorical because no one has the right to tell one what they should or shouldn’t be doing with their body. Lastly, suppose that someone just does not want the baby. They’d rather go to the extreme measures to get rid of the baby. Should they be called monsters for wanting something to do something so tragic? Perhaps, perhaps not. What I am getting to is that abortion is a choice made by the mother to be or not to be, not you, not the public, not the government, no one.

Baby or Me?

By Wislande Francisque

Choice was a luxury women did not have until recently. Woman did not have a choice to have an education, a choice to vote, a choice to choose their own sexual partner, a choice to express themselves whether it be through clothing or special talents and most of all woman did not have a choice on keeping their baby whether that child is conceive through rape or through love. Some women may have been able to settle for such atrocities but some though considered illiterate wanted a change, a voice. It’s difficult knowing that a child is a result of constant abuse, verbally and physically. Therefore we rebelled, demanding that we no longer be seen as weak and unreliable but as strong, bright and with a lot more potential than many can ever imagine. To some extent this effort succeeded, women now have the right to abort a baby in all fifty states.

After reading the beginning of this page, one may have the impression that I am applauding abortion. May I put your mind at ease and tell you that I am not disagreeing nor agreeing with abortion. However, I am acknowledging the choices that we have that wasn’t there before. Someone may abort their baby and find peace with it, someone else may abort their baby and live a life full of regrets and guilt. It all comes down to having the liberty to chose, to one question; who’s it going to be, the baby or me?