On August 1, 1990 a Brooklyn based organization began with a simple yet life affirming goal, educate teenagers about the epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Over twenty-five years that organization, Teens Helping Each Other (THEO) has exceeded expectations by educating, guiding, nurturing, and saving the lives of over 50,000 teenagers across the globe. THEO can be booked to provide or participate in:
Community Events
Panel Discussions
Adolescent Conferences
Targeted Training Series with Evidence Based Workshops
Outreach Events
HIV 101
Role Model Stories
Parent Meeting
Health Fairs
For further information on booking THEO for your organization, contact:
The AEP Director
Ms. Rucker (718) 270-3203, christine.rucker@downstate.edu
The PREP Program Coordinator
Ms. Searchwell, (718) 270-3992, marian.searchwell@downstate.edu
Ms. Tiffany Jones, YHAP Coordinator, tiffany.jones@downstate.edu
“Sexual health is more than freedom from sexual disease or disorders ... Sexual health is non-exploitive and respectful of self and others ... Sexual health is dependent upon an individual’s well-being and sense of self-esteem. Sexual health requires trust, honesty, and communication.”
— Eli Coleman, Ph.D., Director, Program in Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota Medical School